Use this 3-step formula to get more prospects to say yes and watch your conversion rate soar.
All you need to do is find out what people want and sell it to them.
- Be nice, friendly, interested, sincere – People buy from people they like. Over 50% of the sale is achieved here!
- Ask Questions – Remember people buy for their own reasons not yours. Find out all the details, exactly what they want, listen to them. In sales, questions are always the answers. Don’t assume things even if you think you know the answers get them to tell you exactly what it is they are after by asking lots of questions.
- Know your prospects budget- Always make sure you are asking and know exactly how much every prospect is looking to spend because if you find out what someone wants in detail and how much they are prepared to spend and can find a solution in their budget you will nearly always close the sale.
- Ask for the order- 80% of lost sales are lost because the prospect is not asked if they want to go head and place the order. Always ask “so shall I schedule you in” or “do you want to pay your deposit now”? There are several ways to ask just find the one that you feel most comfortable saying to EVERY prospect.