Do you experience any of these fears .
Your fears are usually concerned with the consequences you might encounter as a result of your actions.
Importantly, please note a customer who doesn’t pay is not a customer, great or otherwise!
So, you put off your fear in the hope the problem will cure itself or just go away but it doesn’t.
Therefore, try to think through all the possible consequences of your actions, not just the negative ones. So, he might say yes or maybe when you ask for the sale. The maybe could be that your prospect simply needs some more information. If your prospect is correctly targeted by your marketing, even a ‘no’ might be a ‘no not now’.
Think of the outcome you’d really, really like to achieve – a ‘yes’ to the sale for instance – and put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Think about what they really want. Do you know? And are you providing it!
Try this for yourself – work out what your number one business fear is and then think of all the possible consequences, the good and the bad, and just go for it, Try to find a way to overcome the fear and face it head on.
You might just find it not as frightening as you think.
Be Brave what’s the worst that can happen?
If you need some help in facing up to your fears, just drop me a reply to this email and I’ll give you a hand.
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