Recognising your target markets and ideal prospects to begin with are important to gain respectable conversion rates for your business.
If you are having trouble with your current markets or are finding that the rates aren’t being profitable, you will need to reassess your market and determine if you need better marketing campaigns or you if you need to change your current audience to another.
Reassessing your markets will also give you the added benefit of determining your ‘A’ class customers and focusing on how you can get more of them rather than ‘C’ or ‘D’ class.
To find and approach better prospects you might divide your markets by demographics or geographic and focus on one particular niche area rather than on many that aren’t responding.
It may even be worthwhile to look beyond your square and consider alliances or partnerships with other businesses or proposing to overseas markets.
Being creative, customer focused and aware of who, what, where, when and how your customers buy, will help you to ensure that you are spending the right money in the right places and not waste your time on prospects that aren’t interested.
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