Whether you plan to reinvent your company or just attract an untapped demographic.

Here are a few simple tips to help you achieve your goals.

First, you must identify your ideal customer:

  • Do you know your target?
  • What do they do?
  • What do they value?
  • Where are they?

After pinpointing your audience, reposition your message to attract their attention. Work your existing connections to the full, but keep in mind; it’s tougher than ever to win new customers.

These days, your potential clients might be feeling pain or struggling financially, you really have to not be afraid of rejection, you can’t give up at the first ‘NO’. You may need to ‘touch’    your prospects 7 or 8 times before they commit.

Here is The ABC of Getting Those New Clients:

A – Go where the growth is- Look for products and services that can be sold into a more buoyant market sector, be flexible about the client base that you are looking for but most of all be very specific about what you are selling, to who you are selling it, where they are etc.

B – Arrange strategic alliances with other businesses that provide similar or complementary services to pick up new clients. Share information with those businesses share sales leads and promote each other’s products or services.

C – Use online tools. Reach out to others by maintaining a Blog, a Facebook Page to increase awareness in your targeted sectors, use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to drive traffic to your website or shop doorway, use LinkedIn to heighten the profile of you and your professional staff. Social-networking tools are also places to post promotions, success stories and testimonials. Social-networking should be an important part of your Marketing Mix so do not let it pass you by.

Finding new clients is really not that difficult at all, it’s a matter of knowing who you want, what they want, maintaining adequate activity and keeping at it day in day out!


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