Working from home has many challenges when you are a business owner so here are a few tips you may find useful:
- Make sure you have a dedicated office or workspace with a door that you can close or lock at the end of your day.
- Time-management ,you need a system that works for you. There are lots of them out there and you need to do some research. Once you’ve mastered your system, stick to it and life will be so much simpler.
- Make sure you have a business plan in place and re-visit it regularly. Then plan your year, month, week, and day accordingly
- Do not allow yourself to get distracted by household chores during business time! Just remember being at home doesn’t mean you are free to do the laundry etc. Stay focused on just one thing at a time – multi-tasking doesn’t really
- Children – A good reason work from home. You will need reliable childcare, including a back-up in case of emergency. Child-care swops work really well. Planning to be at home when older children get in or being able to do the pick-up is great. Make sure you have half-terms and holidays marked clearly in your diary. Remember that school holidays will be a less productive so plan ahead and enjoy time off with your family.
- Don’t forget to invest both time and money in your own development it is so important to you and your business growth. Invest in yourself by attending quality courses, reading, and working with an inspirational coach or advisor.
- Your Team – build a support team around you, made up of people you like and trust. These are people other than your partner or family. They are other businesspeople in your field, people who motivate you and people you can out-source work to.
- The most important thing to remember when working from home – you are not alone! Get out and meet others with whom you can share tips, get help and support, out-source work, make friends and of course get new clients. This is a growing community so enjoy the freedom this career choice has given you.
When you do master this however it can give you the freedom most people only dream of!
If you need any help PM me, let’s have coffee!